Posts tagged Full Moon Dyes
Crystals for Anxiety

What crystals can we use to help with Anxiety?

Let’s talk about Lithium.


You’ve probably heard of Lithium at some point. It’s a type of drug used to treat Bipolar Disorder in people who haven’t responded to other medications. It’s also a Nirvana song and has been referenced in pop culture for decades in association with depression and mental illness. You’ve surely heard of Lithium batteries too, which have a high energy density and are often used in small items such as hearing aids, pacemakers, and car lock remotes. So what the heck is Lithium?

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Lithium is an element, a soft metal that is always found in other minerals. It was first discovered on the Swedish island Utö, by Jozé Bonifácio de Andralda e Silva, who was a Brazilian naturalist, in the 1790s. He discovered there the mineral Petalite, which gave off a bright red flare when put in fire. It was not until 1817 that a chemist discovered that Petalite contained a previously unknown element - Lithium. 

Lithium is always found within other minerals, like its first discovery in Petalite. It had many uses over the years - several that were highly unsuccessful- but starting in the 1870s it was used to treat mania and other “mood disorders,” though people understood very little about Lithium or mental illness at that time. Lithium is still used in modern psychiatric treatments today, especially for bipolar, depression and schizophrenia.

Lithium-bearing stones and crystals are great tools for anxiety as well. Let's take a look at some of the types that contain the element Lithium.

One of the most popular is Lepidolite. Lepidolite is usually purple, sometimes pink colored Mica that has Lithium in it. It is great for relieving stress and anxiety. Lepidolite comes from the Greek word lepidos, meaning 'scale,' because it balances emotions and looks like the scales of a dragon or beautiful fish. Lepidolite is used for calm sleep and dreams, and to dissolve any negative energy blocks you may have.


Lithium Quartz, of course, is Quartz with Lithium inclusions. It often appears as soft pink or mauve colored clouds or phantoms inside clear Quartz crystals. Lithium Quartz is used to lift your vibration upward gently. It gives you tranquil clarity and makes you feel at peace, and ready to heal. It is good for lessening depression or the intensity of heartbreak.

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 Tourmaline often contains Lithium, and Lithium-rich Tourmalines can be be just about any color- including pink, blue, green, yellow, red et cetera. Tourmaline releases stress and worry. It can calm and smooth tumultuous emotions, and absorb fears to give you more confidence in yourself. It can aid you in finding positivity and sleeping more soundly. The different types can also have more specific purposes as well.

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Spodumene is a lithium aluminum silicate most often found in pegmatite veins. It has a high Lithium content (about 8%) and is the most important Lithium ore mineral, or source of Lithium for commercial uses like batteries, ceramics and medicine. The most popular type of Spodumene is the pink and purple variety, called Kunzite. Hiddenite is the name for green spodumene, and the clear or yellow ones are called Triphane. 

Kunzite is a high-vibration stone used to open the heart, to receive love and to connect the heart and mind. It is good for anxiety that is connected to relationships, especially romantic ones. It helps those who focus too much on the outside world become more self-searching and reflective. Kunzite is good at calming the nerves and clearing negativity.

Hiddenite is used for emotional and spiritual growth. Hiddenite is especially useful when healing from deeply traumatic events such as addiction, the loss of a loved one, abuse or even the loss of a home or job. It can stabilize mood swings and reduce stress and anxiety. 

Triphane is useful in feeling more positive in life. It helps you lift up out of darkness, gives you the energy to take steps in a new direction and reconnect with a sense of purpose. It makes the mind lighter so that you can enjoy life again. Triphane is also used to remove anxiety caused by past mistakes or failures.

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Petalite is another important Lithium ore and occurs as colorless, gray, white and yellow, sometimes even pink or green. Petalite is wonderful for calming the overactive mind, relieving stress and anxiety, helping with ADD and ADHD and countering anxiety attacks. Petalite is also called the stone of angels and can connect you with your spirit guide and the spirit world. It is very usefful in the facilitation of ancestral and family healing. It can help you balance emotions and energies, and think clearly.

Lithium bearing minerals are not the only stones that can help with anxiety. Amethyst is a very popular stone because it has so many metaphysical uses. It promotes healing, harmony and inner peace, balances mood and relieves stress. Amethyst calms the nerves and stills the mind. It is a favorite for enhancing meditation, protection and creativity.

Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is the most powerful of protection stones and well known for deflecting negative energy. It is a very strong grounding stone as well so it is great for rituals and spiritual work. It can be used to calm panic attacks, especially ones caused by your environment. It is good for transformation of negative thoughts into positive energy.

Rose Quartz is a deeply calming stone connected to the heart. It is used to open and heal the heart, calm emotions and heal from emotional trauma. It can help those with insomnia caused by anxiety get into healthier sleeping patterns. Rose Quartz increases both self love and love for others.

Other stones that can be used to help with anxiety are Mangano Calcite, Sugilite, Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate, and Anhydrite (aka Angelite).

(Most of the images shown link to available crystals in my Etsy shop!)

New! Handmade Soy Candles

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Lavender Vanilla & Orange Clove

100% soy candles handmade by me, 

with wood wicks in reusable glass mason jars.

Small Business of the Month