Posts tagged trademarked crystals
Crystal Names™ to Be Mindful Of

Super Seven. It sounds simple enough. It means that it has a combination of 7 minerals- Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Quartz, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, and Goethite. It is also called Melody Stone™. Let’s start with the easiest problem with this claim. Amethyst, Smoky Quartz and clear Quartz are all variations of one mineral - Quartz. So are Citrine and Rose Quartz. They are not separate minerals.

There are also two inclusions in this list that pose quite the conundrum- both Cacoxenite and Lepidocrocite have been disproven to occur in Quartz by laboratory analysis. Cacoxenite in Quartz is actually Goethite. Often lustrous, golden colored and occurring in fan-like sprays.

Our next imposter is Lepidocrocite, which in any Quartz is actually Hematite. Hematite occurs in many forms, in many different colors, in many different locations all over the world, and looks a lot of different ways. Another popular one that is often mislabeled is the “Strawberry Quartz” of Orange River and Namibia, especially the Brandberg area. Yet again these are Quartz and Amethyst with Hematite.

That brings 3 of our minerals down to one, and the other 4 down to 3, though one is changed. We have Quartz, Hematite, Goethite and Rutile. Maybe they should re-trademark it Super Four. Melody holds the trademark for “Super Seven™,” a made up marketing term to make more money on anything they can. "Auralite 23™” is the Canadian version, with an even more ridiculous list of supposed inclusions.

Robert Simmons is another person who loves to trademark any stone he can get enough of to market under a new name and charge ridiculous prices for them. This not only makes crystals cost more for everyone, but confuses many on what they actually are. Azeztulite™ (low grade Quartz from anywhere convenient to Robert Simmons), Healerite™ (lighter green Serpentine), Blue Moon Quartz™ (Dumortierite Quartz), Agnatite™ (Red Hematoid Quartz from Madagascar), Anazez™ (Chevron Amethyst from Africa), Transmutite™ (Petrified Wood from Nevada) and Cinnazez™ (Cinnabar and Zinc in Quartz) are a few of the stones they have re-named with trademarks.

Another problem that this causes is that online sellers like myself often need to included these fake names in our titles and listings because we need to use the names that people are familiar with and using to search for them, which further perpetuates the use of these names. There are many of them, not all are trademarked. Many are just made up, bad translations, or mislabeled names that have become more popular than the stone’s true name.

In the end, you can believe that Azeztulite is a special Quartz blessed by the Azez Angelic entities but it seems pretty sus that it (and many of his trademarked stones) happen to come from the places that Robert Simmons has lived. You can pay hundreds of dollars for a small piece of low grade, cheap stone if you want to, I won’t stop you. But information is power, and being informed about the stones you buy is important for all buyers of crystals whether you own a handful or a houseful. I hope you find this information helpful.

Thank you,


Kouva Dream Catchers and Crystals